يادداشت هاي پاپيون/Papillon By Notes


( Monday, July 09, 2007 .. (english) draft off-topic society )

Reading a discussion1 on the presence of consideration of money and coinage in the text of Hebbel, Gyges und sein Ring, I found:
"The genealogical principle is replaced by a territorial principle... And where genealogy always points back toward a terminated past, the political economy Kandaules has in mind is dynamic and open to the future."2

Now when Thoas speaks rather indecorous to the king: "I consider your new crown entirely like any other thing that gleams and glitters, and that one owns because one can pay for it" Thoas is actually trying to remind Kandaules --who has abandoned the Herculean ancestral crown and sword, because he wants a new economy based on the riches of his reign and not the genealogy,-- he is risking his position as the absolute king, and that he is making a huge mistake.

Now I here admit I admire independence from past and group, for the will of progress. I believe, empirically, group, e.g. family, has had inessential shaping factor in the upbringing of many people, or every people, in the course of history. We would not be able to speak possibly if we were not to learn that from the group. We do not need to create from scratch anymore, and the language example extends to everything, including negative points and drawbacks. This last kind of extension of drawbacks, e.g. that we inherit, literally, negative points or weaknesses from our family, is my actual motive to acknowledge the independent mind that figures out and that goes through examination of itself to develop near purely unaffected by the corruption and weakness. The mind that has the ability to deviate from the norms of society in order to innovate or invent. The will to progress could freely and powerfully extend to gain, and the still social individuality I cherish is created.

All well, there is this remark I also find important and true that family and any other group, with a measure of support for its members, to which one belongs and which bequeathes fortune, assets, knowledge, status, and social connection is very valuable. Who would dare that? Yet, in Iran, many forget: both those successful but unattached people or the unemployed. Nobility is the direct consequence of possessing qualities above, perhaps plus the interconnection of the owners. However Iran turns her look away from the notion of nobility.

++Decorum and lifestyle
++A world of globalisation and family
++Technology and the distribution of knowledge
++Could we have elite classes in Iran?
We already have elite, but it waits clustering.
++Do we need elite classes in Iran?

(1) Koschorke, Albrecht, Phantasmagorias of Power: Hebbel's Drama Gyges und sein Ring, MLN, Volume 120, Number 3, April 2005
(2) Ibid., p. 543


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